Rebecca KopperudSeaside Field to Vase Dinner | Homer, Alaska American Grown Flowers hosts an annual "Field to Vase Dinner Tour" all around the country. In 2017 they brought the first dinner to...
Rebecca KopperudAlaska Glacier Elopement with Guests | from Taiwan and SingaporeThese two choose to be married by a glacial pool with family witnessing their vows. The couple and their family exuded joy all day long!
Rebecca KopperudSummit Lake | Skipping TraditionsThey have a dog-named Miller who they love to walk together. They also enjoy spending time at their locale coffee shop, bird watching, appr
Rebecca KopperudA Rustic Girdwood Wedding | In Jewel Tones and Gold Amanda had a few years back done a short residency at an Alaskan hospital. During that time she fell in love with the wilds of Alaska and...
Rebecca KopperudHello Stunning Homer Wedding In true Alaska fashion, the ceremony was outside with a view of the ocean and mountains, at a private residence on the Kachemak Bay in Homer